Italcer Acquires Terratinta Group: Revenues Close To 400 Million Euro.
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Italcer, one of Italy’s leading benefit companies in high-end ceramic floor and wall tiles and luxury bathroom furnishings, completes the acquisition of 100 percent of the capital of Terratinta Group S.r.l. Società Benefit, a company specialising in design surfaces based in Fiorano Modenese, in the heart of the ceramic district.

The operation sees Luca Migliorini, the current CEO and shareholder of Terratinta, become a shareholder of Italcer with a stake of around 1 percent, alongside, among others, Graziano Verdi, CEO and co-founder of the group with Alberto Forchielli and Mindful Capital Partners.

Thanks to this acquisition, the number of transactions finalised by Italcer in Italy and abroad in just 6 years rises to 9, bringing the Group turnover close to 400 million euros by the end of 2023. These include La Fabbrica- AVA, Elios, Devon&Devon, Rondine, Cedir, Spanish company Equipe Ceramicas, Fondovalle and Opificio Ceramico.

Luca Migliorini, CEO and shareholder of Terratinta: "Terratinta Group has marked out on a new path in the ceramics industry, under the banner of professionalism, ethics and passion for the product. These 15 years have been an incredible journey. Thanks to the determination of the entire staff and the contribution of my brother Marco, we have succeeded in projecting our reality into an innovative dimension: from an office of 40 square metres to a BCorp that reaches over 50 markets worldwide. We share the same values and a joint vision of the future with Italcer: sustainable growth for all our brands driven by technological innovation.”

Graziano Verdi, CEO and co-founder of the Italcer Group explains: "The transaction is consistent with our project to create a design hub by grouping together high-end ceramic companies, and Terratinta, with Luca and Marco, will further strengthen this unique quality of ours. In addition, important investments in innovation and ESG will allow Italcer to continue growing steadily and solidly in the coming years".

With this operation, Italcer continues its development project, making its mark at the top of a sector in which Italy is a world leader, and adds four brands with a high standing to its offer: Terratinta Ceramiche, Ceramica Magica, Sartoria and Micro.

Arkios assisted the seller in the transaction with Alberto Brenna leading the team composed of Luca Sfoggia and Gianmarco Perrella. Gitti & Partners worked as legal advisor, again on the seller’s side, with Vincenzo Giannantonio, Fabrizio Ragazzini and Giovanna Vecchio.

For Italcer, the legal advisor was the firm Legance, with Marco Gubitosi, Alessandro Airaghi, Andrea Serafini and Filippo Antonio D’Amato, and KPMG was consulted for financial, tax, ESG and business due diligence matters.

The Italcer Group, a leading Italian group in its sector, led by Graziano Verdi and controlled by the Mindful Capital Partners Investment Fund, employs about 1100 people, boasts hundreds of completed projects and 15,000 customers worldwide. Today, it operates through high-end brands and historical industrial realities in the ceramic sector that make products of excellence for interiors and exteriors. Its members are Fondovalle, La Fabbrica-AVA, Elios Ceramica, Devon&Devon, Ceramica Rondine, Bottega, Equipe Ceramicas and Opificio Ceramico.