CAZA announces design of La Salle Church in Binan City, Philippines, with construction completing in Q2 2021
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Brooklyn, New York, USA – In a bustling tech innovation campus in Binan City, Philippines, finding a way to connect with faith is essential to ensure personal wellbeing and growth. Part of a larger university master plan, also designed by CAZA, La Salle Church weaves together culture and ecology by offering users a different idea of spiritual inclusiveness. 

The space aims to take individuals and make them part of a larger, connected group. Its limits help transition worshipers from the busy environment towards sacred areas where worshipers congregate. Circular rooms link together within a porous ambulatory area. The outer skin consisting of vertical slats creates tension between the permeable facade's lightness and the sanctuary's weight.

Viewed from the outside, the building appears amorphous and mysterious, smooth and loose in its shape. To emphasize the connection with the surrounding wooded landscape, the exterior uses raw and unfinished materials. The materiality changes as you penetrate the space, shifting to softwoods and brass. Fourteen individual doors lead worshippers to a double-height central core. This drum-like congregation space has a tilted ceiling, further emphasizing the connection between the individual, the sacred space, and nature.