Green Real Estate Finance Event series in Hong Kong a great success
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Hong Kong – A recent collaboration between Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and international ESG performance benchmarking agency GRESB brought a series of events during 9-11 May 2018 in Hong Kong. The events initiated in-depth discussions on the latest development of green finance, providing both global and local perspectives to different stakeholders in the real estate industry.

On 9 May 2018, the GRESB-APREA Green Real Estate Financing & Investing Seminar first examined real estate opportunities in the context of green finance and investment strategies. The seminar, which was supported by the HKGBC and WorldGBC APN, was well attended by over 130 participants including many HKGBC Members.

The Roundtable co-organised by HKGBC and GRESB on 10 May 2018 focused on analysis of the market enablers, relevant frameworks and standards as well as government regulations and the impact to real estate sector, with the presence of professional institutes, think tanks, public bodies and representatives from financial and construction sectors. Speakers discussed the green finance instruments that are available, such as green loan and green mortgage, and how these emerging tools could fill the investment gap created by the opportunities from the climate actions and the Paris Agreement, as well as the development needs in China, while guests were engaged in a dynamic exchange of ideas.

The event series concluded with an Exclusive Green Finance Luncheon hosted by the HKGBC on 11 May 2018 with a strong guest line-up featuring top level management and chief financial officers of major developers in Hong Kong. Mr Joseph Chan, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Government of the HKSAR was invited to share the latest government policy on boosting green finance. Sharing of first-hand experience of green bond issuance from Swire Properties, The Link and MTR offered interesting insight like the immense demand of green financial instruments from European investors, which was valuable for peer developers’ upcoming action in green finance market.

The Green Real Estate Finance Event Series is a fruitful beginning to HKGBC’s future conversation and engagement with the financial sector, which is also a vital step for the Council to lead a comprehensive market transformation in Hong Kong for the creation of a sustainable built environment.