The first IPAF approved training centre in Thailand has opened following the 10th IPAF Asia Conference held in Bangkok.
This is the seventh country in Asia delivering the MEWP operator training developed by IPAF (International Powered Access Federation). The other six training centres are located in South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Myanmar and China.
Promech Resources became an IPAF member in early 2023 as a dealer and distributor throughout Thailand. The company aims to provide its customers with good practice training, allowing them to take machines away with the certainty that they have the appropriate skills to operate them.
“We are very pleased to join IPAF as a training centre. We are happy to expand our services, from repairing, renting and distributing powered access to include IPAF training,” said John Hamilton, managing director of Promech Resources.
“We were also pleased to welcome attendees from the IPAF Asia Conference to visit our premises in Thailand. We showed event delegates our different departments and introduced them to my colleagues. We are looking forward to joining IPAF and guests at the next IPAF Asia Conference in China.”
Raymond Wat, IPAF’s representative for the Southeast Asia region, commented, “Since I joined IPAF, we have seen an increasing demand for not just IPAF training but for the assistance to work to provide information and guidance to companies and operators across the region. It is great to welcome Promech Resources as IPAF’s first approved training centre in Thailand.
“I hope this development in the region encourages more training providers to undertake the IPAF accreditation process over the next few months as demand grows for trained powered access operators on work sites. I am pleased to promote that IPAF training is certified to the ISO18878 standard and audited to be consistent wherever in the world it is delivered.”
Mr Wat further announced that next year’s IPAF Asia Conference will take place in China, “the largest region in Asia for both IPAF training and membership. We look forward to welcoming guests together once again.”