The 31st Samoter construction machinery exhibition closed on 7 May, attracting more than 40,000 visitors from 91 countries. Besides Europe, there was also good attendance from Asia, Africa, as well as North and South America, said the organiser.
Business, innovation, internationalisation and training were the key topics at Samoter this year, which was held at the Verona Exhibition Centre in Verona, Italy. According to the organiser, the event brought together 536 exhibitors, of which 115 were international exhibitors from 23 countries.
Samoter 2023 focused on the implementation of new technologies in the construction world to help the industry become increasingly competitive and sustainable. Visitors had the chance to see machinery of the future at work in the new exhibition area called Cantiere Digitale (The Digital Construction Site), as part of the Samoter Lab project.
Other highlights at Samoter 2023 included more than 500 B2B meetings set up by companies with over 106 foreign top buyers from 36 countries, selected by Veronafiere and ICE-Trade Agency, as well as more than 80 training initiatives and educational activities organised with high-profile technical-scientific partners. The event was also attended by Italy’s Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani.
“Returning successfully to the field after six years of absence because of the pandemic was not so obvious for a triennial event,” said Federico Bricolo, president of Veronafiere. “Nonetheless, Samoter 2023 achieved its goal with an edition that proved to be a full-scale tool for doing business, opening up new markets and getting to know the latest news for companies and many operators arriving from abroad.”
“The very positive results posted by the 31st Samoter are proof that exhibitors and buyers have understood and appreciated the new format of the event,” added Maurizio Danese, managing director of Veronafiere. “Innovation was the central theme of this edition, which also welcomed the debut of two new areas dedicated to the technological revolution that represents the future of construction machinery.”
“We are already working with Unacea on the next edition, which will certainly build on this experience,” continued Mr Danese, “especially as regards the digital construction site and the world of sustainability.” The next edition of Samoter is scheduled to take place on 6-9 May 2026.