Several batching plants from Lintec & Linnhoff have now produced over 500,000 t of hot mix asphalt for Cambodia’s National Road No. 5 (NR 5) Rehabilitation Project, which is currently halfway to completion. The 366-km route will form the main trade link between Cambodia and Thailand, as part of Asian Highway 1, connecting Phnom Penh in the south with the north-western border via Prek Kdam, Thlea Ma-am, Battembang and Sri Sophorn.
Work on this crucial improvement scheme began in 2018, following years of neglect which also included a major flood in 2000 that caused substantial damage. With many sections of this primary arterial national road being under 8 m in width, the increasing volume of traffic resulting from the country’s recent rapid economic growth called for a drastic upgrade.
According to the original project report from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), some sections of the road were not even wide enough for two lanes, which causes increased congestion and also impacts road safety. This is also accelerating deterioration, as most sections of Cambodia’s arterial roads are made using double bituminous surface treatment (DBST). This does not have sufficient bearing capacity to support the increasing traffic volume, especially that of heavy vehicles.
With the maintenance of these DBST surfaces imposing a heavy burden on the nation’s finances, the government took the decision to upgrade the whole route to asphalt, a more durable replacement. In addition to adding the new asphalt surface, new roads are being built in several sections, while other parts of the highway will see expansion of the existing carriageway from two to four lanes, reaching up to 23 m in width.
Reliable material supply
“Such an ambitious scheme clearly requires a reliable material supply, so three high-capacity asphalt mixing plants from Lintec & Linnhoff were chosen for the project. Chief among these is a Lintec CSD2500B containerised asphalt plant, the second largest in the CSD range with an output of between 140 and 160 t/hr,” said Teo Siang Leong, general manager (sales) at Lintec & Linnhoff Asphalt Pte Ltd.
“This is proving to be a popular choice with contractors and deliver notable savings in fuel consumption and maintenance, thanks to a design that eliminates the need for a hot elevator and vibrating screens through the unique double screen drum technology. With a modular, fully enclosed structure built in ISO shipping containers for economical transportation, installation and dismantling is also easy.”
Also working on the project is a Linnhoff CMX1500 CompactMix asphalt plant. Although classified as stationary models, their modular structure provides high portability and ease of relocation. Each module of these plants is also compatible with transportation in ISO shipping containers, delivering economical shipping, reducing setup and dismantling times, and providing easy maintenance access at all levels. The CMX1500 is able to produce an impressive output of up to 120 t/hr.
Flexibility and mobility
For sections of the project where even greater mobility from the asphalt plants was required, a Linnhoff TSD1500 MobileMix asphalt plant provided the necessary flexibility. Offering a production capacity of up to 120 t/hr, this mid-range TSD model is configured from just four main mobile modules, featuring a built-in chassis and quick-coupling cables that provide plug-and-play convenience, ensuring rapid mobilisation whenever required.
The Linnhoff TSD1500 asphalt plant is ideal for short-term or remote projects. Setup and dismantling can all be achieved without the need for time-consuming heavy concrete foundations. Its hydraulic self-jacking support system also eliminates the need for high capacity cranes.
Like the Lintec CSD2500B, both the Linnhoff TSD MobileMix and CMX CompactMix asphalt plants share the same highly efficient double screen drum technology that combines the drying and screening of aggregates in a single drum to reduce overheads.
“It is that additional value, reliability and precision to comply with the strict requirements of the project that has ensured Lintec & Linnhoff are the customer’s preferred brands,” said Mr Teo. “For our part, it is a privilege to provide such crucial support for a project that will reduce traffic accidents and congestion while enhancing trade, tourism and the overall economy of Cambodia.”
Scheduled for completion in mid to late 2022, the NR 5 Rehabilitation Project has been funded with a US$500 million concessional loan from the government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).