SMEC has been engaged by Gia Lai Investment and Development Wind and Power Joint Stock Company to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the 100-MW Hung Hai Gia Lai Wind Farm Project in the Gia Lai Province, central Vietnam.
Demand for electricity in Vietnam is increasing and is predicted to grow at an average rate of 8% until 2030. Renewable energy, including wind, is an increasingly important part of meeting this energy demand and helping to alleviate power shortages in the country.
SMEC will prepare the ESIA to meet the International Finance Corporation (IFC)’s environmental and social performance standards and associated guidelines. The ESIA will identify and assess potential effects on the full range of environmental, social and cultural aspects that may be impacted during all phases of the project and identify mitigating measures to avoid or reduce impacts and enhance benefit.
“We are proud to bring our global expertise to this project, contributing to Vietnam’s renewable future through supporting the development of wind farms,” said Libby Paholski, functional group manager, Social Development and Environment Group SEA and the Pacific at SMEC. “Our specialists collaborate with clients and stakeholders to realise project outcomes, supporting the delivery of efficient, environmentally sustainable and cost-effective systems for a broad range of renewable projects and technologies.”
Photos: SMEC