Hong-Kong based contractor Gammon Construction has formed a strategic partnership with 3D Repo, a cloud-based platform for building information modelling (BIM) data. The platform is equipped with SafetiBase, a 4D tool that helps improve health and safety through collaborative risk identification.
The new partnership will see Gammon’s digital innovation business, Digital G, promote and provide support for the 3D Repo BIM platform to users in the Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macau regions.
This latest move follows Gammon’s recent roll-out of 3D Repo and SafetiBase on high-profile projects, such as the new HK$4.75 billion Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) project in Hong Kong. The company plans to extend it to other projects and co-develop solutions for 4D modelling, IoT and immersive BIM CAVE environments.
“Safety is a high priority for Gammon and we are exploring how technology can help mitigate and manage risk. We conducted a number of trial use-cases of 3D Repo on our AMC project, such as the 4D modelling capabilities to play through high risk and repetitive sequences to identify potential safety issues and explore mitigation options,” explained Paul Evans, Gammon’s executive director and CTO.
“We quickly realised the value in 3D Repo’s health and safety issue tracking tools, which allowed our project team to view potential problems and collaboratively resolve them in 3D before physical construction started.”
Speaking about the use of 3D Repo on the AMC project, Ryan Wong, senior construction manager at Gammon E&M, AMC project, said, “We found that questions expanded beyond safety and resulted in the team asking questions about quality and the practicalities of construction. Many of the queries would have been picked up later, such as has specialist plant and equipment been procured? How is it going to get in and out? Where will it be stored?
“But the proactive 4D workshops picked these items up early, saving us time and potential complications down the line. We are now exploring options on how to enhance collaborative planning with 3D Repo, such as using immersive technologies like a BIM CAVE.”
Image: Gammon