Link-Belt Cranes has announced that the production of its new 45-mt TCC-550 telescopic crawler crane will begin soon, with shipments set to commence in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The TCC-550 follows a long line of product improvements and introductions in Link-Belt’s telescopic crawler crane family. The predecessors to this model, the TCC-500 and TCC-450, were some of the company’s first telescopic crawler models to be introduced worldwide in 2006.
The TCC-550 features a full-power, 11–35 m four-section boom with two boom extend modes (EM1 and EM2) and an impressive chart. The entire boom is greaseless and incorporates Link-Belt’s Teflon-impregnated wear pads for easy maintenance. Fly options include an 8.7-15.6 m two-piece bi-fold lattice fly, stowable, offsetable to 2, 20 and 40 degrees; maximum tip height is 50.44 m.
Durable textured and slip-resistant paint on all walking surfaces is new and improves footing. The Vision Package consists of winch-view camera, rear-view camera and right-side swing camera, giving the operator excellent jobsite visibility during setup and lifting. Anchor points are located on the work platform of the TCC-550 for personal fall arrest equipment.
The standard lighting package comprises a high intensity 360-degree LED work light mounted on the house and one high intensity 360-degree LED light attached at the top of the boom base section. Both lights can be controlled remotely inside of the operator’s cabin.
The TCC-550 can work at three different track widths: 4.63 m fully extended, 4.12 m intermediate, and 3.49 m retracted. The crane offers two travel speeds and can travel up to 3.2 kph.
In addition, the TCC-550 is able to move quickly and easily on or off the jobsite. With a standard counterweight package of 11,339.8 kg, the crane transports in just one load while staying under 45,359.2 kg. On the trailer, it travels at a height of 3.01 m and a width of 3.49 m.
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