The Indonesian Government, through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, has affirmed its commitment in supporting water and food security across the country by building dams and reservoirs in various regions, including in East Java province, which is known as the national foodshed.
Basuki Hadimuljono, Indonesia’s Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, asserted that management of water resources and irrigation system will be carried out in order to support sustainable agriculture production. The dams will also have the potential to provide raw water and energy, control flood and serve as a tourist attraction to boost the local economy.
One of the dams currently under construction in the province is the Bendo Dam, located in Ngindeng Village, Ponorogo Regency. It is scheduled for completion and operation by the end of 2020.
The 71-m-high Bendo Dam has a capacity of 42.11 mil cu m, which could water 7,800 ha of rice fields in Ponorogo and Madiun Regencies. It will also be used to control flood, generate electricity (1.56 MW), and serve as a raw water resource for domestic and industrial use with a total capacity of 790 l/sec.
Two other dams being built are the Gongseng Dam in Bojonegoro and Tukul Dam in Pacitan. Construction of the Gongseng Dam is expected to complete by the end of 2020. It has a capacity of 22.43 mil cu m and will irrigate 7,800 ha of land, supply raw water with a total capacity of 300 l/sec, generate electricity (0.7 MW) and control flood.
The Tukul Dam, with a capacity of 8.68 mil cu m, will irrigate 600 ha of land, supply raw water with a total capacity of 300 l/sec, and control flood in Pacitan.
Image: Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing