Interior Architecture – SIA Architectural Design Awards 2021
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SIA Architectural Design Awards 2021 – Interior Architecture

Design Award

o delight: Singapore Pavilion at Venice Biennale 2018, YUME Architects and Genome Architects Pte Ltd

delight presents a multi-sensory installation: a visually transparent cloud of acrylic, a scent-scape carried by ceramic tubes fired from local clay, complete in an atmosphere of light and sound. The interactive “cloud” transmits light from videographic scenes of Singaporean architecture and “blushes” when visitors draw near to this augmented installation.

Jury Citation:

The jury commended the Singapore Pavilion at Venice Biennale 2018 for being an exhibition design that exhibited multiple layers of ideas surrounding the narrative of architectural practice and living in Singapore, particularly on how to borrow space resourcefully.

The design is investigative and inventive in its choice and use of materials. The assembly and disassembly of its parts enables it to have a life post-exhibition for use in education.

The jury highly commended the project for its good effort in pulling together the many voices of those involved and achieving a delightful and sensorial exhibition with limited resources and accorded it a Design Award.