57th IFLA WORLD CONGRESS World Landscape Architects Summit 2020 to take place in Penang, Malaysia
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Malaysia is proud to be the host for the 57th IFLA World Congress and IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit. After the glorious success of 2007, this will be the second time Malaysia hosts the largest world stage for landscape architects. The 57th IFLA World Congress and IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit will be held in the city of Georgetown in Penang, located at the Northern region of Malaysia.                                                                                   

The attendees for IFLA2020 will be more than 1,000 delegates from America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific. The profession of these delegates varies from landscape architects, urban planners, architects and professionals in built industry and also policy makers.

Theme: Future Tense 
For the first time in the history of IFLA, the IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit will play a leading role in forecasting future concerns and pursue landscape architecture-based solutions. It will be a platform for regional delegates to share forward thinking solutions, ideas and inspirations. This is to ensure that landscape architecture profession is ready to face challenges and demands of society and environment, now as well as the near future.