First Zhaga-NFC readers earn certification
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Piscataway, NJ, USA – Zhaga specifications Book 24 and 25 define the programming of NFC-programmable luminaire components and enable easy data management over the entire lifecycle of a smart luminaire. Zhaga has also developed a corresponding Zhaga-NFC certification programme for NFC readers and programmable luminaire components such as LED drivers. FEIG ELECTRONIC and TERTIUM Technology are the first companies that have earned Zhaga-NFC certification for a number of their NFC readers. An increasing number of lighting applications requires reading out parameters and changing of settings of LED drivers in the field. Manufacturers of LED luminaires currently use a variety of methods for in field programming. Zhaga gives installers, system integrators and utility companies the option to select only one programming tool which works with all fieldmaintenance applications from all vendors implementing Book 25 and all NFCprogrammable devices implementing Book 24.

NFC-readers by FEIG ELECTRONIC and TERTIUM Technology have been Zhaga-NFC certified and can now carry the Zhaga-NFC certification logo. The devices implement the technology described in Zhaga Books 24 and 25.

Book 24 describes the programming of luminaire components using NFC and Book 25, which was published in February 2022, defines a Bluetooth Low Energy communication protocol for the communication between the field-maintenance application on a smart device and the NFC reader. These are the first devices of an emerging eco-system to solve the data management problems of smart luminaires with interoperable maintenance tools enabling configurable luminaires easy to service over their entire lifecycle.